
Are You Ready To Rise?


You are here because everyday you wake up, already exhausted, reminding yourself of the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Exhausted because you know that your day is going to run you.

Was This All You Were Meant For Or Were You Born To Rise?

  • Do you find that no matter how hard you work, you feel like you can never get ahead?

  • Do you feel being stuck has become your new norm? You always seem to attract more of what you don’t want, more debt, more stress, more lack…?

  • Do you feel like you hold yourself back from opportunities because you lack confidence? You are not worthy? Or maybe it is the motivation that you are lacking, settling just seems so much easier?

  • Do you get frustrated because you know there are limiting stories and programming holding you back, you just don’t know how to release them?

  • Do you feel guilty having goals? You know you have so much to give, so why do you feel like there is music in you that may never be heard?

  • Do you feel like you always have to show up for social media? Yet you feel like your Pinterest worthy life is so out of reach.

  • Have you have lost your identity in your responsibilities and purpose in compliancy and mediocrity?

    Then you are here for a reason goddess, the universe has brought you here to show you what is possible.

I used to be right where you are now, then I decided to invest in myself, because I knew I was worth it, and so are you…

If you are tired of being stuck in the same place and have decided that it is your time to rise into the higher version of yourself, that is flowing through their days by design, attracting intentionally, always in the receptive mode of abundance, and reprogramming their subconscious mind for success, then you are in the right place. The solution is to get support and accountability from someone who truly cares about you and can show you exactly what you need to do to get from where you are to where you want to be. People are going to be saving the pins from your Pinterest worthy life.


“My Call With Laura Felt Divine, It Felt Like Fate, She Truly Had All The Answers I Needed To Make Changes In My Life To Get To My Higher Self. With Her Techniques And Personal Assessment, She Created A Plan For Me To Able To Reach My Goals. She Was Very Spot On, I Felt So Emotional I At One Point Cried. She Is A Very Powerful And Intuitive Healer That Makes Breakdowns To Get To Your Goals And A Better You. I Am So Confident Now About My Upcoming Journey, And All The Healing I Can Finally Do With The Help Of Laura. Her Help Will Lead To Big Blessings”


(All Services & Executive Coaching Subject To Tax)


Reiki is a Japanese form of complimentary medicine called energy healing. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a “universal energy” is transferred through our palms to the client in order to encourage emotional or physical healing and targets the energy fields around the body.

Energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or possible emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness. Energy medicine aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks, improving the flow of energy around the body can enable relaxation, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness.

During your session I will move my hands around your body, I may touch lightly or just above your body and send healing energy to the areas that your body is signaling me to. Each session will include crystal healing, chakra balancing, as well as energy cord cutting (if needed).

Reiki is a form of Quantum Healing, so it is able to travel through time and space, and can even be sent to the future, and to future events if needed. Long distance Reiki available as well.

Benefits Of Reiki:

  • Promote Harmony & Balance

  • Relaxes & Releases Tension From The Body

  • Breaks Down Energy Blocks & Balances The Mind, Body, & Spirit

  • Cleanses Body Of Toxins & Supports Immune System

  • Clears The Mind & Improves Focus

  • Helps You Sleep Better

  • Helps Spiritual Growth & Emotional Cleansing

  • Accelerates The Body’s Self-Healing Ability


Hypnotherapy is a powerful way to connect to the subconscious mind to reprogram our thoughts, behaviors, actions and more. Hypnotherapy allows us to bypass the conscious mind and speak directly to the subconscious mind where our programming lives.

As adults, we had very little control over what was programmed into our minds at a young age. Our values, beliefs, ways of being were installed from our parents, from our environment, and the institutions that surrounded us. With hypnotherapy, we have a tool to take our power back, and regain control over our thoughts, habits, and behaviours so that we can have our subconscious minds working for us toward what we want to be, do, have and experience, rather than against us.

During this session, by getting your conscious mind into a calm, and relaxed state, we will be able to bypass your conscious mind and speak directly to your subconscious mind where we can reprogram your thoughts, behaviors, beliefs, and identities.

We Use Hypnotheraphy For:

  • Identity Work

  • Changing Behaviors & Patterns

  • Shifting & Up Leveling Beliefs

  • Quitting Smoking

  • Weight Loss

  • & More.

Hypnosis Package:

(Is Done In Two Sessions)

  • A 30 minute consultation to answer any questions on Hypnosis, that will include a deep breathing exercise session

  • In the interview session we will get clear on the transformation that you desire and this will be used for your Hypnosis

  • In the Hypnosis Session we will use progressive relaxation to help calm your conscious mind and then the script and suggestions will be read to your subconscious mind to create the transformation

  • To ensure you have a customized experience I will provide a personalized script and later record it so you can download it and have it

  • I will provide you with a customized E-Book, modeling for you how to use the Hypnosis, customized journal prompts, and suggested tasks to further aid your transformation

WhatsApp Business Support

Motivation can be fleeting on this human experience, especially with that little voice in our heads constantly speaking the "What Ifs" or making us question our thoughts and actions.

I completely understand that some people may not be ready for the intimacy of coaching sessions but still desire mentoring, almost like a coach on demand platform, is this you?

If So, This Is For You...

I will now be offering Monthly WhatsApp Business Support, that will give you unlimited access to me (during business hours) that will allow you the space for mentoring and coaching without the structure of live sessions.



Private Executive Coaching


(Prior to the start of working together you will get a workbook that will help assess your current goals, where you currently are in contrast to them, and any current blocks you have so we can have a starting point of our time together and a customized coaching portfolio)

  • Connect by having an energetic exchange

  • I will ask you questions to understand your progress and outcomes thus far

  • I will ask you the questions which will cause you to see things in a new perspective and dig up your limiting beliefs, negative emotions, internal conflicts, and any other obstacles in your way

  • We will hold space for all of your desires and set up SMART goals for each area of your life

  • I will create a written plan outlining the steps you are to take to reach your goals and desired outcomes for the next 30-90 days and beyond

  • We will do change work, using some of the most profound NLP techniques to work through your limiting beliefs, negative emotions, imposter syndrome, and also do some energy work

  • I will help you get clear on your ideal day & give you tools that will allow you to have more ease and alignment in your days

  • You will make a commitment to the plan but most importantly YOURSELF

  • I will guide you through the Born To Rise Method, while hybriding work in conjuction with your coaching portfolio specific to your desired outcomes

  • Life is fluid and so is this coaching, in this space we alter sessions as things come up for you, this is not a cookie cutter container

  • I will give you a customized E-book with customized affirmations, journal prompts, and suggested meditations for you to implement into your daily routines; as well as, a recording of the session, and a session recap

  • We are going to create motivation and momentum as you step into your power and new identity!


  • Two biweekly 1:1 coaching sessions, with a recording and session recap of every session including embodiment work to do in between sessions to expedite your goals

  • Modules to supplement the integration of the work and practices

  • Unlimited access to Laura

  • Modalities for your tool bag that will allow you to become your own elite coach

  • A customized action plan for your desired outcomes, and trackers to make all of those outcomes a reality

Born To Rise


Everyone’s experience is unique and customized to their needs, but this is an example of what we will cover together.


  • Welcome to Born To Rise…In this introduction module you will gain the foundation to which everything we do from this point will be build on.

    First, we will create your Why Statement, Core Values & Principles, Life Purpose Statement, and Personal Mission Statement. This will be the catalyst of why it is what you do and will be a driving force for the actions you take going forward and how you show up.

    Next, we are going to deep dive into The Prime Directives Of The Subconscious Mind, The Model Of Communication, and The Universal Laws. This will give you a deeper understanding into the work that we will be embarking on.

    Are Your Ready?

  • Release To Move Forward

    You have been held back because of past trauma, limiting stories, and stagnate energy for far too long-let’s change that, it is time to heal, release, and move forward. In this module, we are going to get clear on the woman you were meant to be and release anything that is not aligned with it. You will become her magnetic match and create a new reality for yourself, reinventing your identity and rising into your full potential.

    First, we are going to get crystal clear on, not only your life by design, but your most authentic life. What type of life is going to keep you up at night from excitement and get you up in the morning from joy? Then we are going to get crystal clear on who is the version of you that is going to make it happen, it is time to define her.

    We are going to let go of the doubt, the past limiting beliefs, the programming, paradigms, and trauma that is keeping you stuck in your current identity through subconscious and energy work so that you can step into this version of you that is living your ideal day every single day.

    We are going to lean into forgiveness work to release any past shame and low vibrational emotions that are keeping you in the point of attraction of attracting more of what you don’t want.

    We will show you how to use the Emotional Guidance Scale to help guide you in staying in high vibrational frequency emotions so that you are consistently in the receptive mode of attracting your new reality so that you can be a daily super attractor.

  • Embrace Your New Flow

    No energy, no time for yourself, always feeling overwhelmed and on the verge of an emotional breakdown. By the end of this module, you will feel like you are hustling less, attracting more through balancing your masculine and feminine energies, and creating the habits of your new lifestyle.

    Start to live each day more intentionally and not by default by setting clear intentions for everyone of your goddess moments and showing up as the version of yourself that is ready for them.

    Learn how to transition from each of your daily tasks so that you are in a constant state of appreciation, this will keep you in the receptive mode, gratitude is a magnet for miracles.

    It is time to release the hustle of masculine energy and bring in feminine, receptive energy with daily rituals, so that you can learn how to lean into allowing, blocking your deepest desires into your life will be a thing of the past.

    Learn to connect with your intuition and get drops from the universe that guide you into making evolutionary choices that support your new lifestyle.

    We will conclude this module with inner child work, so that you can acknowledge things from your past and find ways to use them to make positive changes for the future.

  • Transcend Into Your Higher Self

    You are going to take everything you have learned thus far and now transcend into your higher level self, take your mindset to the next level, and hybrid that with elevating your physical health.

    The body is the servant of the mind, learn how healing your mind will help heal your body. Start to incorporate the hybrid of powerful mind/body practices like meditation and intentional eating, so that you can become the leader of both your mind and body.

    Learn how to use techniques like mental rehearsal and have a high- level morning and evening routine so that you can effortlessly match the same frequency of all your heart’s desires, this will be the gateway of them becoming a reality with ease.

    Learn how to implement self-care rituals so that you can unleash your inner goddess and become the energetic match to your vision, start to embody that version of yourself and step into the confidence and worthiness that you have been longing for through self -love and self-worth practices.

    Learn how understanding and working with your body’s energy centers will bring you greater personal awareness and will act as a powerful vessel for transformation.

    Your subconscious mind is 30,000 times more powerful than your conscious mind. We are going to fill up your tool bag with powerful modalities so that you can learn how to activate your subconscious mind to be in line with your true desires, dreams, and life goals.

  • Tune Into Abundance

    In this module you will reinvent yourself into the goddess that is constantly in the receptive mode of receiving and always creating from a place of abundance by becoming the magnetic match to all of her desires.

    Start to rewire your mind for abundance by uncovering any money blocks you have so that you can create your new money paradigm that is going to have you shopping at stores that you want to and not just the ones that you can afford.

    Rewrite your money story by forgiving, releasing, and healing from any emotions and limiting decisions you have around money so that you can begin to feel differently about money and start to be in the energy of money and abundance.

    Get the tools you need to create a new financial blueprint, so that receiving unexpected cheques is your new norm, thank you more please!

    Get access to an abundance tracker that will keep you in the receptive mode of receiving every single day.

    Learn how to incorporate the perfect balance of receiving and giving in your life, work through any blocks that you may have around both so that you are always in a perfect harmony of receiving and feeling abundant enough to give.

  • Step Into Your Power

    You are always taking care of others, putting your needs and desires on the back burner, allowing room for feelings of not being good enough. By the end of this module, you will be feeling more confident, showing up when you wouldn’t of before, ready to invest time in the things that you love, putting up boundaries, having your voice heard, and showing up as the leader of your life.

    Learn how practices like setting boundaries in your life will keep you radiating love inwards. Together we will determine what you are no longer available for in your life, so that you will remain at a greater point of attraction, where abundance just flows in.

    The time has come to start to use your voice, learn how to confidently use your authenticity and vulnerability so that you can step into your power and attract the life that you have been waiting to live and be the leader of your own life through leadership practices.

    In this module, we will also deep dive into Emotional Intelligence, to heighten your ability to understand and manage your emotions as well as recognize the feelings of others, so that you can navigate relationships better as well as other areas of your life.

    As well as the Circle Of Influence, so that you will define where and how to spend your time and energy to increase productivity.

    In addition to the Impression Of Increase, so that you will consciously show up everyday as the version of yourself that inspires others to be the best version of themselves.

    And finally, the Logical Levels Of The Mind, so that you have a clear understanding of the hierarchical representation of the levels of which change can occur in an individual.

  • Create Your Dream Life

    It wasn’t that long ago that you couldn’t even see past your present circumstances and now you have gone through The Born To Rise Method of becoming the version of yourself with new paradigms and beliefs that serve you, transcending into your higher-level self that has the confidence and worthiness to hold this energetic space, and reinventing yourself into the version that is ready to rise. Now it is time to curate your dream life.

    Feeling it is part of the magic, now it is time to learn how to be at cause of your own life and start incorporating the authentic action to allow in the shifts you have been waiting for to come in even faster.

    In this month we are going to set up SMART goals for every area(health, business, finances, etc) of your life and implement strategies for you to show up as “HER” and hybrid that with authentic and intentional action so that you can create the space for expansion in each area.

    We will further break down these goals and create daily action steps while learning the difference between states and outcomes.

    As your higher self, we will also map out and set up trackers for each area that will hold you accountable so that you can be your own elite coach.

    Using the power of your subconscious mind, you will learn high level strategies so that you can start living everyday as “HER” so that you can become the creator of your life by design, goddess it is your time to rise.

 Included In The Born To Rise Mastermind

3 Month Time Investment

Coachability & Accountability

4 Monthly Calls- 2 1:1 & 2 Group (12 Calls In Total)

Every week we will meet as we move through the Born To Rise Method and do the subconscious change work that will afford you the transformation that you desire. As you begin to elevate, we will set higher intentions for your new lifestyle, work through the modules, and of course celebrate all of your wins.

Email Or Messaging Access To Me

Need a chat before our scheduled call, I am listening! You have unlimited access to Laura through email or the messaging communication app of your choice.

Support Guides With Trackers & Integration Exercises, & Lifetime Access To Our Born To Rise Online Portal

These support guides will give you all the tools you need to put everything that you are learning into play, these step-by-step guides with trackers and journal prompts will guide you during your new lifestyle. In addition to lifetime access to our Born To Rise Online Portal that will give you access to self-paced coaching and support for life.


A Sisterhood Of Women On The Same Journey As You

There is really is nothing more powerful than a group of women ready to rise, why go on this journey alone when you can go on this journey with a group of like minded women on the same journey as you, and this is what you will experience on our community based group calls every month and in our Born To Rise Facebook group.

It Is Time To Celebrate You GODDESS

VIP Lunch Upon completion of the program enjoy a VIP lunch to celebrate your lunch to celebrate your rising. (If you are not local receive a gift equivalent in value from me)







Some Of The Modalities That I Work With

  • Time stands for Time Integration for Maximum Empowerment. It is a set of techniques born of the field of NLP.

    It is a powerful technique because it allows you to release things from the past without having to associate to, or even consciously remember, the root cause.

  • Eliminate Specific Problems Rooted In The Past Or Future

    Release Negative Emotions (i.e., Anger, Sadness, Fear, Hurt, Guilt, Fear Of Rejection, Jealously, Frustration, Unworthiness, etc )

    Undo Limiting Decisions Which Are The Root Cause Of Limiting Beliefs & Other Problems

    Releasing Anxiety

    Releasing A Phobia

    Putting A Goal Into Your Future

  • EFT Tapping is a powerful tool to rebalance the body’s energy system.

    When you are feeling a negative or dense emotion, it is a signal that the energy in your body is out of balance. By tapping on the body’s energy meridian points while focusing on the problem, we can tap to rebalance the energy system, leaving you instantly feeling better in a matter of minutes.

  • Tapping On A Headache, Or Cramps

    Tapping On Nervousness Or Anxiousness Around A Certain Event

    Tapping On Your Manifestation That Has Not Yet Occurred To Decrease Resistance

    Tapping On Any Fear

  • When you are feeling highly conflicted, it is often caused by a part that exists on a subconscious level.

    A part is like a mini-personality, and the parts get in the way of a client’s desires. And once these unconscious conflicts are integrated you can move forward from a place of wholeness and alignment in your life.

  • Integrating Things Like Part Of Me Wants To Make Money, & Part Of Me Wants To Help People

    Part Of Me Wants To Have Freedom, & Part Of Me Wants A Relationship

    Part Of Me Wants To Travel, & Part Of Me Wants Comfort


  • We store all of our feelings, beliefs, identities, etc. in what we like to call the “holographic” filing cabinet of our mind. By understanding how our unique filing cabinets store information, and how to move these experiences and ideas like files, we can make drastic shifts in a matter of minutes.

    Mapping Across is a foundational technique that allows you to discover how you store something you like, and shift it to disliking it.

  • Disliking A Food That You Eat Too Much Of

    Liking Drinking More Water

    How Much You Like Instagram-(Can Map To Another App)

    Liking Writing Emails


  • Swish Techniques are powerful recoding methods that help you create massive shifts in habits, behaviours, and identities.

    We use Swish Pattern to release an unwanted behavior, release the identity around that, and shift into the identity of the person who you truly want to be.

  • Release Nail Biting, Skin Picking

    Release Social Media Scrolling

    Introducing Habits & Rituals With Ease


  • Single Belief Change is a technique where we use submodalities to shift a limiting belief to becoming no longer true. You are literally changing how the mind stores information.

  • That A Certain Amount Of Money Is A lot

    That You Want To Be Able To Be Successful

    That You Are Not Good Looking Enough

    That It Is Hard To

    Or Any Belief That Is Coded For You As A Truth That You Want To Change

  • Is a technique where we create a neurological connection between a stimulus and an emotion so we can tap it any time.

  • Tap Into Feeling Abundant, So You Can Manifest More Money Easily

    Feel Confident Before A Speaking Engagement Or Live Stream

    Tap Into The Feeling Of Being Loved While Manifesting A New Relationship

    Get Into The Feeling Of Your Higher Self

    Release A Low-Vibe Emotion That Is Holding You Back

    Release A Negative Anchor, Like A Certain Sound That Brings Up An Unwanted Feeling, Or Touch

    Removing A Client From A Stuck State

  • Strategies are the programs of our mind. Every action we take is dictated by a series of steps. Each step is made up of Internal Representations that run in the same sequence every time. Strategies are predictable, that once we find out someone’s decision strategy, we can consistently help them to make a decision. Once we have someone’s motivation strategy, we can consistently motivate them.

  • Elicit Motivation

    Learning Strategies

    Spelling Strategies

    Buying Strategies

    Love Strategies (Self-Love)

“Having my first hypnosis session Laura was amazing. I was so excited (and a little nervous) going into it. Laura made me feel completely comfortable and at ease! The breakthroughs | was able to have and how I was able to envision my dream life during it was amazing. Laura helped show me that in my subconscious that is exactly what I wanted. I knew then in my mind what I had to do next.

I felt so calm and ease over the next few days like I was floating amongst my dreams and already living them!

I can't wait for my next session with Laura! This work is life changing and can help elevate you to that next level!”

“Omg yes! I was about to tell you that idk what magic you worked but | fell asleep right after and got some much needed deep rest but also felt a big reset”

“Since connecting with Laura my first time, her energy always made a difference in my days. Naturally, when the opportunity came up to do Time Technique with her, I said Yes! Even through zoom, I felt such a relaxed and calm energy from Laura as she talked me through the process for Time. She shared her knowledge and enabled me to feel safe in her space. I managed to dive deep into far memories and emotions of my past, and by the end of the session, my energy had shifted for the better. Time Technique is new to me and I wasn't sure what to expect, but with Laura guiding me through, it was an amazing introduction to the experience. I'm very excited to learn more about Time now & I'm so thankful for you Laura! (You are such a light love xx Ella)”

“Update on my mornings: been waking up at the time I set the night before (before my alarm goes off). Been feeling grounded and ready to take on the day”

What If This Was Your Life?….

  • You wake up everyday full of energy, instead of hitting the snooze button, your new norm is waking up before the alarm clock goes off, that is if you even want an alarm clock, goddess choice.

  • You move through your days with flow and intention, you even have time to indulge in high level self-care. Massages, hair, nail, and spa dates are your new norm, because you know in the next level life you wish to live, this is your new reality.

  • You feel endless energy as you go through your day, and your ability to focus on your breath allows you to listen to the messages that your body is sending you. You have a new found gratitude for your body, you love treating it to movement and mindfullness.

  • Unexpected cheques always find you, thank you more please, which one will it be the Louis Noe, Alma,or Neverfull, again goddess choice.

Your Days Of Creating From Scarcity And Lack Are Over…

You are hustling less, and attracting more and more of what you want. You have removed yourself from the comparison lane, because you are so excited of the vision of your goddess lifestyle that you have, people now ask you what your secret is to keep it all together so seamlessly. You find it so easily now to speak your truth, you know that the people whom you are meant to inspire will receive your message. With what feels like so much time gifted to you, you start to feel excitement that you haven’t had for years for all the passion projects or side hustles that you had put on hold. With all this balance, this is your time. It is time to take all of the desires off the backburner, the world needs you to step into your purpose. What if everyday you found more and more things to be grateful for and the authentic life you were waiting to live was yours.

Why Did I Create This For You?

I’m Laura, the founder of The Born To Rise Society. When I found myself on a verge of a marital separation and other areas of my life starting to crumble, I started to lose hope and couldn’t see the light in any situation. Every where I turned I felt like I was attracting more of what I didn’t want into my life, this became my default setting. It became so overwhelming that my mental health started to decline, and I slowly started to stop taking care of myself, I was in living in survival mode, I had lost myself in my circumstances and my purpose started to evaporate as it became harder and harder to show up for my life.

 That is when I turned to the power of personal development. As a result, I have gone from thinking life was happening to me to creating a life that I am excited to wake up to everyday. I have left a career that I found no purpose in, and took a leap of faith in entrepreneurship. Here I fell in love with showing women how to flourish and literally transform into higher version of themselves authentically. I effortlessly flow through my days with intention, I want to show you how to. With my seven years in the health and wellness industry, I truly understand the power of the mind and body connection, and would love to share that with you. Receiving abundance has become my natural default setting and I believe that you are worth of that as well. I have become the creator of a life that brings me joy, it is your time to have the same.

My life truly levelled up when I met my coach and invested in myself. Working with her I was able to realize limited beliefs that were tucked away in my subconscious and repressed feelings that I thought I released that were still holding me back.

Nothing around us changes, unless we change. Join The Born To Rise Society and take the pledge to be the change that those around you need you to have, but most importantly for yourself. It is time to show up as the higher version of yourself, the world needs you to rise.

Client Love

“Working with Laura over the past 10 months has been an incredibly transformative experience, which I knew it would be just from the questionnaire I filled out prior to our initial consultation. Not only does she provide personalized, creative and useful tools and techniques to overcome challenges and live the life I truly desire - be it related to work, relationships, finances, lifestyle, etc. - but she is also very patient, gentle and sincere in her approach. This cannot be overstated.

One of my favorite things about working with Laura is she knows exactly when and how to ask the right questions to dig deeper and get to the truth of the matter. Her gentle probing has led to countless a-ha moments! The modules she introduces are so timely, and are another reminder of how aligned she is with her clients. 

Laura is someone who is always rooting for and celebrating you, even beyond the sessions, and she easily became one of my most trusted people. 

It’s very easy to open up to and trust Laura because of her compassion and dedication to guiding others in living their fullest, best life. This really came across in every interaction, for example: the small details she remembers from earlier sessions, the regular check-ins in between, the promptness in sending her post-call observation notes, the support she provides in preparing you for important events, and her reminders to celebrate my wins no matter how small. Even on a broader scale, the materials she shares through other platforms are accessible and it’s easy to see this is her core value and mission.

It’s such a pleasure working with Laura! Often times the healing/growth journey is uncomfortable but I’ve always felt supported and motivated! I’m excited to continue this work with her. 

-Abiramy V.

Tarot Reader
