Client Love


What People Are Saying


“Working with Laura has created such a huge shift in my life and I’m my business!  She has helped me to identify areas of limiting beliefs and energetic blocks while providing tools to live through the fear to accomplish my goals.  She has helped me to take what felt so overwhelmingly scary and break it down into bite size goals, setting realistic deadlines and setting me up with actionable ideas that have set me up for success.  I’m just a few short months I have gone from floundering to having a strategy, showing up consistently and steadily building my client base.  Laura is always encouraging me to reach higher while coming to know my value and worth.  Her intuitive guidance is so on point with what I need and her ability to hold space for where I’m at has really added such personal value to not only my business growth my personal growth as well.  Working with Laura one on one has resulted in the kind of transformation that makes me excited about what the future holds.  Highly recommended!!”

Heather Harti

Soul Star Inspired Wellness


“I Cannot Rave Enough About Laura! Her Coaching Has Helped My Elevate Myself In A Way I Didn’t Think Possible. It Has Allowed Me To Embody My Higher Level Self And Continuously Feel Abundant In A Way That Feels Aligned To Me. Without Her Help, I Would Still Be Feeling Overwhelmed And At A Loss. Thank You SO MUCH For All Of Your Help!”

Ana Pautassi

Life & Business Coach


“When I Had My First Session With Laura It Felt Like I Had Met A Soul Sister I Didn’t Know About. During Our Sessions Laura Would Provide Me With Systems, Prompts, And Coaching To Unlock What Was Already Inside Of Me, But I Was Putting Off. She Is A Huge Supporter Of Celebrating Women’s Success And Genuinely Pushing Me Each Session To Reach My Goals In Order To Unlock The Life I Deserve. No Matter The Block That Arise, She Has Systems Put In Place To Address Those Blocks Head On And Not Push Them Down. Meeting Laura Has Literally Been Life Changing.”

Candace Mai

Social Media Consultant



"In the past year of my father's passing and the pandemic, healing was a process and also a journey. I am still in that journey and thanks to Laura, that process has become easier with bringing my strength back and re-centering my energy and focus. Her Reiki sessions have helped me heal, reflect on the past and learn how to manifest what I want for the future. You would be crazy not to work with her. Her energy is just powerful beyond words."

Ayeesha K.

DoTerra Wellness Consultant & Technical Consultant


Laura is a true angel on this planet. Her intuition & guidance during my hypnotherapy session has given me so much clarity about my purpose. I no longer focus on my fears, but rather look at the unknown as a field of abundance! My energy has shifted & I can't wait to do more sessions with her!

Arshiya B.

Wellness & Spiritual Coach, & Founder of Umsra



I had the absolute pleasure working with Laura during my personal development journey. I reached out to Laura for assistance in helping me let go of some resistance I felt I still had in my life. We scheduled a zoom consultation and from there Laura was able to plan and implement my healing journey based on my needs. From start to finish, Laura was compassionate, kind, gentle and supportive while we worked on my healing. We worked on my timeline, hypnosis and a reiki session in a span of 3 weeks. I felt light, energized and relaxed during it all. This was the exact thing the universe was guiding me too, to help heal and remove any limiting beliefs and trauma I had. I look forward to working with Laura again in another reiki session in the near future. I highly recommend contacting Laura for any healing needs and spiritual guidance. Thank you Laura for being so supportive and a major part of my personal development growth.
With Gratitude,

Thank you Laura for such an incredible experience. On my journey of healing, I am so glad that I met you and our sessions were something I used to look forward to during the week. They allowed me to understand why I thought I was unworthy of love, my patterns and how I didn’t want to attach myself to anyone. They allowed me to seek childhood wounds and it was an eye opening experience. I was hurt I was keeping it inside of me, locked somewhere and didn’t know about it. My journey with you helped me understand myself better, made me realize that I am love and I don’t need to do anything to earn but just be and allow it happen while I trust the process. This realization is sooo powerful! Thank you! The reiki session felt magical to me, the hypnosis session felt like my mirror image was talking to me. I felt heard, special and that I am enough! Although they were my own words but hypnosis session helped me register the words more deeply into my existence like for the first time I felt them! So magical! Thank you for being there, for guiding me, helping me open up and making me realize that love begins from within. Thank you, thank you!!So much love for you.