About Laura

Hey Goddess,

I’m Laura Sanzo

I had hit rock bottom. I was physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually flatlining. My body was so filled with stress that I could not keep weight on, anxiety attacks were a norm and how I diluted stress. My body constantly found itself in Fight or Flight mode, my mind and body were at such a disconnect. I was stuck in a marriage that I was losing myself in and my son had just been flagged for Autism and Global Developmental Delays. I was in a career that was all I knew, though kept me unfulfilled and away from my kids. I was drowning in debt, everywhere I turned there were more circumstances of lack. I continually attracted more of what I did not want.


I Had Lost My Identity In This Story, And I Knew If I Did Not Make Dramatic Changes This Would Be How My Story Ended.

One day I was standing in a park with my kids, it was afterschool hours and I looked around at all the people picking up their kids, neighbours chatting with neighbours, everyone just seemed to be living in the present, being in the moment. Then there was me, so overridden with fear, stress, and anxiety that survival mode was my norm. It was in that moment, it was like the clouds cleared and the sky became the very essence of clarity, this is when I knew that this was not the life I was meant to be living, I was created for more. I knew that instead of living a life by design through the lenses of other people’s lives, I could create my own life by design. I knew I could add more flow and alignment to my life so I could have time for mindful practices and me time. I knew I could start to breathe life again and have more fun, joy, and health. I knew I could change my money story and become abundant af.

I Took Back My Power And DECIDED That I Was Meant For More, That My Purpose Was So Much Bigger Than I Was Showing Up For.

This is when I started to learn how powerful our minds are, soon after I read a book called The Secret, and I realized that if I learned how to be more intentional with my thoughts I could change my circumstances, it is the universal law. I started redirecting my thoughts to the things that I did want. I started to take better care of my body, our bodies are the servant to our minds, as my mind got stronger, my body took the lead. I started to be more intentional with my days, spend time with people that breathed life into me, and for the first time in my life, invested in myself and my growth. I invested in a coach and fell in love with investing in myself over and over again.

I Took Over The Pen To The Story Of My Life And Started To Script A Life By Design, Because I Knew I Was BORN TO RISE.

My life has changed dramatically in the last few years. I am now a deliberate creator, instead of creating from a place of scarcity all of these years, I now create deliberately and have learned to keep my point of attraction on what I want. I have a clear understanding of the power of the mind and body connection. I understand how making daily shifts in your life can help reduce stress and keep you in a continual state of joy and overall wellbeing. I am a super attractor, instead of debt, manifesting unexpected checks are my new norm. After 7 years of marital separation, I have learned the power of self-love and how bringing love into any situation can change the circumstances of it, and have reconciled my family. I left a career that I found no purpose in and found my love for servantship in entrepreneurship, and now decide my own worth and have the tools to design a life full of intention and JOY!

Now It Is My Purpose To Make A Difference In The Lives Of All Women And To Transform Female Social Norms. It Is My Mission To Empower All Women To Become Fearless Leaders, Use Their Voices, Stand In Their Power, And Help Them Create Their Legacies Through Guidance And Mentorship.


What would you do today if you knew you couldn’t fail?




Becoming Supernatural


The Laura Sanzo Podcast



